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Ginger People Pty Ltd

Contact Person: Evan Leeson

Main Products: Ginger and turmeric products - made easy, healthy and delicious

Location: Manly, NSW

The Ginger People have dedicated themselves to promoting the healing powers of ginger. Inspired by the root’s incredible health benefits, the brand produces products with short ingredient labels for s .....See more

Golden Grind

Contact Person: Sage Lamont

Main Products: Turmeric products

Location: Prahran, VIC

Golden Grind is Australia's original and best turmeric brand, bringing innovative and scientifically proven ways to use and consume more turmeric curcumin everyday, through turmeric for skin, turmeric .....See more

Golden Milk by Golden soul

Contact Person: Michael Bowling

Main Products: Health food

Location: Sydney, NSW

Turmeric, the ingredient which gives Golden Milk both it’s golden colour and Golden Soul has a long history in natural medicinal use dating back 4,000 years. It is widely accepted that Turmeric is .....See more

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