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Flinders Ranges Premium Grain Pty Ltd

Contact Person: Peter Barrie

Main Products: High protein, sponge and dough type wheat which is used to make premium flour suitable for quality artisan style bread, gourmet laminated pastry products, and frozen dough items which can be used in the QRS (quick service restaurant) hospitality industry

Location: Clare, SA

Flinders Ranges Premium Grain Pty LtdĀ produce flour from G.M. free, high protein wheat varieties, grown in sun drenched paddocks of the Southern Flinders Ranges of South Australia. The flour from this .....See more

Gateway Products Pty Ltd

Contact Person: Rob Stevenson

Main Products: Manufacturer of functional food ingredients as well as providing specialized products for use in Nutritional products, Batter/Coating products and Vegetarian products

Location: Albion, QLD

Gateway Products is a food ingredient manufacturer based in Brisbane with both ISO and HACCP certification providing a comprehensive range of functional ingredients to a varying group of food industri .....See more

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